Disney Theatrical Productions have revealed new cast members joining the popular family West End show, Frozen the Musical from September 2023. Laura Dawkes and Jammy Kasongo will join the cast this autumn to star in two of the lead roles in the stage adaption of Disney's hit movie, which became one of the world's highest-grossing animated movies. […]
Nicole Scherzinger will to star in a brand new production of Andrew Lloyd-Webber's Sunset Boulevard in the West End. The revival will be directed by Jamie Lloyd and run for a limited 16-week season at the Savoy Theatre, beginning this September. In a statement announcing the revival of the musical, Lloyd said, “After our reappraisal of Evita at the Open […]
The road to hell will lead to the Lyric Theatre as Hadestown is set to return to the capital at the venue with performances beginning on February 10th, 2024. Five years after debuting at the National Theatre in 2018 Hadestown is back in London. Before that engagement, its creator Anaïs Mitchell painstakingly developed the show over a decade, expanding […]
The seasonal musical, Elf, is set to return to the Dominion Theatre in 2023, with previews to begin on November 15th, an official opening night scheduled for November 23rd, and performances running to January 6th, 2024. The family favourite is based on the popular 2003 movie of the same name starring Will Ferrell and follows the fortunes of Buddy, […]
It's very much a case of 'here we go again' as producers of Mamma Mia! have extended the booking period for the ever-popular Jukebox musical, with tickets now available until at least March 2nd, 2024. This sensational international hit show transports audiences to sun-kissed Greece at the Novello Theatre using the feel-good back-catalogue of ABBA songs that cleverly weave […]