Following a maritime disaster, two witnesses resolve to support the futures of the families of those who perished, while the daughter of a modern-day coxswain grapples with her family’s long-standing legacy of life-saving.
In 1886, after crews responding to the shipwreck of the Mexico were lost off the coast of Southport, the Macaras launched their mission with an initiative that changed the course of charity fundraising across the country.
Shannon is a newly qualified navigator who feels ever in the shadow of her station-legend father, Eddie, and awaits her chance to prove she has earned her place on the lifeboat.
The equipment has evolved as the Centuries have passed, but the courage has remained the same. As a desperate mayday call is received from a sinking yacht and with time running out, Shannon must face up to the age-old question for mariners:
Just how far are you prepared to go to save the life of a stranger?
WITH COURAGE is a production that has been commissioned by PlayWell Productions with development supported by Arts Council England, Lighthouse Poole, Sylvia Waddilove Foundation, Spun Glass Theatre, New Theatre Royal Portsmouth, and Mercury Theatre.
The show is premiering at The Other Palace - Studio to coincide with the RNLI’s bicentenary.