Witness For The Prosecution Tickets – London County Hall

The Spine-Tingling Drama From Agatha Christie Is Perfectly Played Out In Courtroom Surroundings

The magnificent surroundings of London County Hall on London’s Southbank provide the atmospheric setting for the intensity and drama of Witness For The Prosecution – Agatha Christie’s gripping tale of justice, passion, and betrayal in the pressure cooker environment of the courtroom.

You have now been summoned for jury service…

Leonard Vole stands accused of murdering a widow to inherit her wealth. The stakes are impossibly high – can he survive the shocking witness testimony and be able to convince the jury, and you of his innocence and avoid the hangman’s noose?

We will see you in court!

Witness For The Prosecution is one of two Agatha Christie plays in London along with the long-running and record-breaking murder mystery, The Mousetrap

London County Hall is the former home of the GLC that has now been converted into a venue and is located on the South Bank, opposite the Houses Of Parliament and next to the London Eye, and has a capacity of 369 seats.

A key feature of this unique venue is the VIP seating in the Jury Box, which has an authentic feel to it making patrons feel as if they are part of a real trial. Other premium seats in the house are located in the centre between rows C and E in the Courtroom Stalls, which enable the audience to get completely immersed in the action.

The venue also has 12 VIP jury box seats where you can watch the story unfold in front of your eyes while enjoying complimentary refreshments.

Value can be found in the Gallery, however, due to pillars dotted around the auditorium many of these seats come with obstructions to the view of the stage. The seating at the rear in the central gallery offers a clear view of the action and is a good option for patrons looking for cheap Witness For The Prosecution tickets. Bargain hunters searching for lastminute theatre tickets can also find value in the seats at the ends of both the North and South Galleries which are very cheap but do miss around 25% of the stage.

N.B. Studying the seating plan in detail before booking tickets for this production is recommended as some of the seats marked ‘Restricted View’ have obstructions that can take up half of the stage.

Seating Plan
London County Hall Seating Plan

Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB

Venue Facilities

Nearest Tube
Waterloo or Westminster

Tube Lines
Jubilee, Northern, Bakerloo, District & Circle

Directions from nearest tube

From Waterloo station follow exit signs towards Southbank/County Hall attractions and then follow signs to York Road and walk a few minutes along the road and County Hall will be on your left.

Railway Station

Bus Numbers
12, 53, 76, 77, 148, 159, 211, 341, 381, 453, 507, RV1, C10

Night Bus Numbers
N109, N155, N381

Car Park
Three car parks within walking distance located around the South Bank area

Within Congestion Zone

London County Hall Seating Plan

Event Detail

17 November 2022 00:00
30 March 2025 00:00